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Navigating Faith and Politics: Finding the Right Perspective

Navigating Faith and Politics: Finding the Right Perspective


At Discovery Church, we follow a different kind of King in a different kind of Kingdom. We're not here to tell you who to vote for or how to vote. Today, we want to encourage you to consider a different perspective on faith and politics.

Why We Need a Different Perspective

Our faith often gets tangled with our politics, making it hard to see the difference. Some think, "God is always right, so I must be on the right. That's why I'm a Republican." They point to biblical figures like Matthew, a tax collector, and draw connections to modern political parties. Meanwhile, others might say, "Jesus provided free healthcare and spoke out against the rich. That's why I'm a Democrat." And then there are the independents and libertarians with their own arguments.

Self-reflection question: How do my political views align or conflict with my faith?

The Bigger Picture

We're going to hear many arguments in the next few months. But what if there's another option? One that helps us be less offended by and less offensive to others. Let's explore that.

Self-reflection question: What if I viewed my political interactions through the lens of my faith first?

Rethinking Our Citizenship

Do we need to rethink our citizenship? Not in a literal sense, but in understanding where our primary allegiance lies. According to God, once we follow Jesus, our citizenship changes. We're citizens of heaven first, which trumps any earthly allegiance.

Self-reflection question: Where does my primary allegiance lie – in my nationality or in my faith?

The Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Let's look at Daniel 3. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three Jewish men serving in Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar built a massive golden image and commanded everyone to worship it. These men refused, citing their allegiance to God above all.

When thrown into a fiery furnace for their defiance, they declared, "The God we serve is able to deliver us, but even if he doesn't, we will not serve your gods or worship the image." Their faith was unshakable, and God protected them. This story reminds us that our primary allegiance should be to God, not to any political leader or system.

Self-reflection question: How can I show the same unwavering faith in my daily life?

Living as Resident Aliens

Being a citizen of God's Kingdom means living differently. We're to love and respect everyone, including our leaders, without getting entangled in the political mess. This doesn't mean we ignore politics. We should care about issues and participate in peaceful, constructive ways. But our hope shouldn't rest in political systems or leaders.

Self-reflection question: How can I engage in politics without compromising my faith?

The True King

Regardless of the outcome of any election, our true King remains Jesus. He is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He is the ultimate authority, and our hope should be in Him.

Staying Centered on Jesus

In a world full of chaos, fix your eyes on Jesus. This will bring peace to your heart and guide you to live in a way that reflects His love and grace.

Self-reflection question: In what ways can I keep my focus on Jesus during politically charged times?

Remember, not left, not right. Stay centered on Jesus. Fix your eyes on Him, and you'll find perfect peace.

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